What makes a good film or video? What engages you as a viewer? What separates the good from the bad or mediocre? Before we answer that, first, another question. What makes a good movie? Film analysts have found that it's not the special effects, car crashes, shock value, violence or sex that makes something we watch good or bad. It's two very simple things. 1. the story. 2. the characters.
An example of what I'm talking about is the second Tomb Raider movie. Nobody went, despite the action, special effects and the star power and sex appeal of Angelina Jolie.The movie disappeared very quickly! Why? A horrible script and not a real human being the audience could root for!
Ok, that's a movie but you know what? The same thing applies to every kind of film, video, webcast, etc. If someone's taping a wedding or quinceaƱera, to satisfy the audience, the videographer must show the human drama of getting ready at the house, rushing to be on time, etc. This element makes the actual event that much more satisfying. A commercial? We all remember the Dunkin Donuts "Time to make the donuts" man getting to work at 5am, or the cavemen who get insulted by the "so easy, even a caveman can do it". Both of these have lead characters the audience can get behind, as well as a "plot". The plot is the reason the character has to do something. The Dunkin Donuts man HAS to make the donuts for all the customers who want them. The cavemen WANT the insurance people to stop equating cavemen with simplicity for their ad campaigns. Or go back to the Trix cereal rabbit! He wants to get the tricks, only to be stopped by those two obnoxious kids saying "Silly rabbit! Trix are for kids!"
Even reality TV has their plots, heroes and villains. Good guys/girls, plot and character. Who's hooking up with who, or who's betraying who behind their back? Think about it.
So if you're shooting a video, however it's done, by yourself or hiring a company, keep in mind that you want your audience to identify or root for a main character, and have a story to tell. These are what makes an audience, ANY audience watch and care!
An example of what I'm talking about is the second Tomb Raider movie. Nobody went, despite the action, special effects and the star power and sex appeal of Angelina Jolie.The movie disappeared very quickly! Why? A horrible script and not a real human being the audience could root for!
Ok, that's a movie but you know what? The same thing applies to every kind of film, video, webcast, etc. If someone's taping a wedding or quinceaƱera, to satisfy the audience, the videographer must show the human drama of getting ready at the house, rushing to be on time, etc. This element makes the actual event that much more satisfying. A commercial? We all remember the Dunkin Donuts "Time to make the donuts" man getting to work at 5am, or the cavemen who get insulted by the "so easy, even a caveman can do it". Both of these have lead characters the audience can get behind, as well as a "plot". The plot is the reason the character has to do something. The Dunkin Donuts man HAS to make the donuts for all the customers who want them. The cavemen WANT the insurance people to stop equating cavemen with simplicity for their ad campaigns. Or go back to the Trix cereal rabbit! He wants to get the tricks, only to be stopped by those two obnoxious kids saying "Silly rabbit! Trix are for kids!"
Even reality TV has their plots, heroes and villains. Good guys/girls, plot and character. Who's hooking up with who, or who's betraying who behind their back? Think about it.
So if you're shooting a video, however it's done, by yourself or hiring a company, keep in mind that you want your audience to identify or root for a main character, and have a story to tell. These are what makes an audience, ANY audience watch and care!