Welcome to our first blog! At Higher Dreams Productions, though we specialize in video production, we try to stay at the cutting edge of all forms of communication. I guess you could say that blogging is our latest method of keeping our clients and colleagues up to speed on what we're doing.
A short history of video since the 1980s can gain us some insight on where we're going and why. In the 80s and earlier, video was video, audio was audio, print was print and that's all there was!
With the advent of computers and the Internet of course, all that changed! All of us video people had to start re-educating ourselves in the 1990s to use non-linear editing systems, digital "camcorders" (a word that never existed before!) and eventually high definition, "streaming" video, ipods and webcams came into the mix! Where will it all "end"? The truth is, as long as there are innovative people and companies, the answer is "never". There will always be new worlds to conquer, new technologies to master. This is all well and good as long as we remember that innovations and technology must serve a productive purpose. Either they should make existing task or tasks easier and less time consuming, or let us do what had been impossible before, aiding our storytelling abilities in ways heretofore unimaginable. Special effects must be more than ends to themselves. They should upgrade and uplift our works of art.
Where does blogging come in? Through blogs and our monthly newsletter, Higher Dreams Productions hopes to let our clients and colleagues in on our own innovations and upgrades. We want to let you all know that we plan not only to be on the cutting edge, but at the forefront of it!